o_O � � � � L I Z Z Y F E R � � � � O_o

Still playing cat and mouse with the universe.

Am I grumpy today?


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Great art is clear thinking about mixed feelings.

-- W.H. Auden

I believe that, as long as there is plenty, poverty is evil.

-- Robert F. Kennedy

10.28.02 - 10:11 a.m.

o. m. g.

heh. i hate that. i had this lovely little rant about the season going - really, it was lovely, i swear - and a coworked sent me this stupid. ugh. french conspiracy theory about the damn plane and the pentagon and i clicked the link forgetting a half-written diary entry and poof, just like that my words and thoughts are gone gone gone. ay-yi.

so. reasons why today sucks:

1. i lost my entry. it was pretty and i liked it. i spent at least ten minutes ruminating on it, and it seemed to have a nice flow. i will never get that ten minutes back. damn you, freakish french conspiracy theorists. and damn you microsoft. can't links open in a new freaking window? bill gates hates me.

2. stupid. girl. shut up! co-worker who will not get off her cell phone. i have no idea how one person - one freakishly quiet, inarticulate person - (wow, sounds like i'm describing myself) - could find that much to talk about. well, technically she's off the damn phone now, which is good, but she was mumble-whispering into it all morning, for at least forty-five minutes at the beginning of the morning. given that she complains about not having enough work and therefore not having enough billables... i think her phone time is suspect. yech. and:

3. i should know better than to open perfume samples, especially AVON perfume samples. one of the secretaries sells avon, and gave me a sample of some new perfume. i opened, sniffed, thought... s'alright. dabbed the tinies little bit on my wrist, and, suddenly, stink-o-rama.

serious stink-o-rama. i have a hard time describing scents, especially perfume scents, but this has no attractive qualities to me. it reminds me of like, old ladies. it has this sharp quality that stinks in the front of my nose and makes me want to sneeze. it's not at all floral, which is... sorta good, except floral would be better, because it would have some softness maybe to obviate the stink of, what, i don't know. i associate this with "generic cologne scent" - the alcohol or whatever that constitutes the body of most cheap perfumes.

4. the pasta salad i bought at the cafe downstairs? sucks. there's way too much dressing. usually they are REALLY good about that, and that's why i've liked their pasta salad even if there isn't much else to it? cos there's not too much dressing. that's the danger with pasta salads, that's why grocery store pasta salads are no good: too much oversweet dressing. blech.

5. hmm. was shaking earlier. think it stopped. possibly related to sleep deprivation. or maybe i was hungry?


reasons why today is not so bad:

1. three words: diet cherry coke. i found this at the little cafe downstairs, and was surprised. i didn't know they made diet cherry coke! i'm so happy! now i can try something else! they also had diet vanilla coke, so i'll hafta get that tomorrow.

when i was in fifth grade, my mom went away to law school, so dad and i were home together all week long. mom came home on weekends. anyway, dad and i went out to dinner at least once a week, usually on nights when he was teaching night class. around that same time, a new fast food restaurant opened up here, across 16th street from the hospital, called G. D. Ritzy's. the theme was 1950s-ish, i guess. they had... hot dogs and "shoe string" fries, and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich that came open faced, with chopped peanuts and sliced grapes garnishing the peanut butter and jelly respectively. they also had pretty good ice cream, but what really intrigued me about the place were the chocolate, vanilla and cherry cokes.

i don't specifically remember having any of those, though i'm sure i did. but dad would tell me stories about when he was a kid, and every pharmacy had a lunch counter, and every lunch counter had chocolate, vanilla and cherry cokes. he was a soda jerk for a while in high school, and worked at a ... lunch counter or something. i remember those dinners quite fondly. so, cherry coke, good.

2. pasta salad tastes much better now that i have washed it off and transferred containers. there is hardly any dressing anymore, and i only taste (mostly) pasta, peppers and tomatoes, which is pretty good.

3. my goldfish plant is in bloom! there are five blooms on it right no. it's such a pretty little plant, with rich, glossy green and these flowers that are - what do you know - shaped and colored like little goldfish. here's a picture and here's another.

4. big blue balloon just flew by my office window.

5. strange displays of brilliant -light- this morning, despite, or perhaps because of, the gray skys and the settled riverfog and the wide riverplain and the distance and so it. briefly, transcendantly lovely, even though the clouds never broke.

6. i'm feeling better now.

hrmmph. and must get back to work.

I am not a Marxist.

-- Karl Marx

Dei remi facemmo
ali al fol volo.

-- Dante Inferno XXVI.125

Intelligent Life

The Psycho
Salam Pax

she feeds the wound within her veins;
she is eaten by a secret flame.

-- Virgil, Aeneid, IV

By your stumbling, the world is perfected.

-- Sri Aurobindo

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