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Great art is clear thinking about mixed feelings.

-- W.H. Auden

I believe that, as long as there is plenty, poverty is evil.

-- Robert F. Kennedy

10.20.04 - 5:58 p.m.

West Virginia Ballot 2004:

I went to http://www.myvotewv.com to do some research and try to figure out for whom to vote in the various statewide contests. The only race I feel passionate about this year is the Kerry campaign. In fact, I waited to make sure I wasn't going to have to work for McGraw et al before volunteering for Kerry. This is the first time I've volunteered for a political candidate since 1992, when I supported that dark horse Tom Harkin, who was, of course, a good man, an old-fashioned Hubert Humphrey-type liberal, and completely unelectable. It's too bad that, in my extreme youth, I didn't realize that Bill Clinton was a brilliant candidate, despite his moderate policies (some of which I now support). Had I volunteered for Clinton as early as I volunteered for Harkin - yeah.

Federal Races


John Kerry. No question about it: I'm volunteering for this campaign, and I think this is the most important presidential election in my lifetime. George Bush took this nation to war again Iraq under false pretenses, did not provide sufficient troops to secure Iraq in the post-invasion nightmare, and now - a year and a half later - Iraq is a sick, contemporary version of the wild, wild west. We hear about our soldiers, killed in ambushes and mortar attacks. We hear about the foreigners who are kidnapped and beheaded by insurgent groups so varied and byzantine that a flow-chart of their connections would look like little more than a nest of snakes. What don't we hear about? Everyday life in Baghdad where, in addition to the terrorists, ordinary people are terrorized by ordinary criminals, who target the middle class, professionals, business owners - the people who provide the stability necessary for democracy, the people who breathe life into the civic institutions necessary for the smooth function of a democratic society - for kidnapping, extortion, robbery, home invasion and murder. Iraq is a disaster, and it is the president's fault. There is no question in my mind.

Should we have invaded? I support action against dictators, against genocidal maniacs, against terrorist regimes, so the answer is a firm - sure, maybe. When and as we did? Clearly not. Should we have been honest with the nation and the world about our motives? Absolutely. Finally: should we have had a plan to win the peace? HELL. YES.

In the meantime, what has happened at home? The patriot act erodes our civil liberties, we are subject to extreme and humiliating strip searches in airports, while the luggage in the cargo hold isn't even X-rayed. Moreover, the president went forward with his tax breaks (designed to "keep Congress from spending the nation's budget surplus") even AFTER it was clear that we no longer had a budget surplus. That tax cut included an end to the estate tax (which, contrary to Republican rhetoric, does not hurt farms or small businesses. There are exceptions to the estate tax for both family farmers and small businesses, and NOT ONE PERSON has had to sell a family farm to pay the estate tax because if you are a SMALL FARMER YOU ARE EXEMPT.) The estate tax applies only to people with pretty damn massive estates, anyway. Stop calling it a death tax, George w. ("Daddy got me everywhere I ever went!") Bush. It's disingenuous. Ugh.

Anyway: four years later, where are we? Discretionary non-defense spending rose during the Bush 43 administration more than it has in any administration since Lyndon Johnson and the Great Society. At the same time, we have cut taxes drastically, with huge giveaways to the wealthiest 1% or - those people making more than 330,000/year. Guess who gets the biggest benefits? Yeah. At the same time, we now have the largest budget deficits our nation has ever seen, and an economy in the toilet - the first economy since HERBERT HOOVER to actually lose jobs over the course of a four-year presidency. That's right, Jimmy Carter's four years were fiscally more successful than George W. Bush's.

What does this mean? He isn't a conservative, people. He is not a fiscal conservative. HE IS NOT A FISCAL CONSERVATIVE and if you are a fiscal conservative, you should not be supporting President Bush. John Kerry will be more fiscally disciplined that President Bush - that's clear, he has to be, because - unlike Republicans - Democrats can't count on at least 45% of the nationwide vote simply for demagouging the three "Gs" (God, Guns and Gays) . /rant.

House of Representatives WV-03

Nick Joe Rahall, D-WV, v. Rick Snuffer, R-WV

Nick Joe Rahall is going to win this race, perhaps with 80% of the vote. There's no contest. Having Democrats in the House is a good thing, so I should be happy. I'm not happy, however, because Nick Joe Rahall is a political hack who has stupid, stupid, stupid things like the "Appalachian Transportation Institute at Marshall University" named after him. Therefore, I'm considering a protest vote for Rick Snuffer, despite the creepiness of his name, which makes me think of snuff-related porn films. I see "SNUFFER for Congress all over the place, and it seriously makes my skin crawl. What an unfortunate name for a politician. It's more appropriate for a lamplighter or a serial killer.

That said: WV Republicans - especially those who run hopeless races against entrenched Democratic incumbents - tend to be completely nuts. I'm still considering whether to cast my protest vote for Rick Snuffer, or whether to write-in Charlotte Pritt.

House of Representatives WV-02

Eric Wells, D-WV, v. Shelly Moore Capito, R-WV

I'm not eligible to vote in this race, but I'm going to comment on it anyway. Shelly Moore Capito is fine. She's not great, sometimes she sucks, but I really don't think she's more conservative than ole Nick Joe "THAT THAR THANG'S NAMED AFTER ME" Rahall. However, I really do like Eric Wells. He's a complete newcomer to WVa politics, but he looks like a local news anchor because, uh, he was a local news anchor. STILL, he seems to have a really great grasp of the issues, and I like smart wonkish attractive people. Sure, it's hopeless, but if I lived in the second congressional district, I'd be volunteering for Mr. Wells. I just wish that Jim Humphreys, oh he of the mighty suspicious absestos-profiteering fortune and superluminous ego, had realized that he was an awful candidate because he sucks and not run for this seat in '00 and '02. Had WV had a viable Democratic candidate in '00 and not Jim "I'll sue anyone! Anyone! Remember my daytime TV ads? I'm the son of a coal miner! Nevermind that I'm a millionaire because I've spent my lifetime churning lawsuits!" Humphreys, we might have retained that seat.

Humphreys was a terrible candidate. Now Shelly Moore is as entrenched as anyone ever was.



Jesse Johnson (Mountain Party); Joe Manchin (Democrat); and Monty Warner (Republican)

I'm not voting for Manchin. I supported Charlotte Pritt in 1996 and ended up on the campaign's mailing list TWICE and suffered through endless recruitment by weird Charleston left-wingers calling on behalf of the Pritt campaign (repeatedly). I had no money for them. I was broke! And young! and broke! Anyway: I supported Charlotte Pritt not because she was a supergenuis, but because Manchin is a hack who is trading on the (soiled) family name, and has done so for far too many years. I've said it before and I'll say it again: we do not need an aristocratic political class, but we certainly have one, on both the national and the local level. I really do find that deeply disturbing. Joe Manchin's campaign, as far as I can tell, consists of the following proposition: "I'm going to do good things once I get in there and figure out what needs to be done."

Thanks for that, Joe. I realize you have no opposition. I realize Bob Wise's infidelity was a great big old gift horse and you are not looking him in the mouth, nor are you inclined to do anything to trip-up your chances of finally getting those great digs on Kanawha Boulevard that your hack uncle A. James never got to inhabit, despite a long career in WVa politics handing out "Captain of the Ship of State" certificates to all and sundry (and, re: that Capt. of the Ship of State thing, I got one from A. James when I was six years old. Does that county as a military appointment? Can I claim to be a veteran?), but goddamnit, can't you actually have a position on SOMETHING? Can you come up with ONE DAMN ORIGINAL IDEA? Can you do anything except smile?

Clearly: I'm not voting for Joe Manchin. My remaining choices are Jesse Johnson of the Mountain Party - who is going to turn the state into a haven for the film and television industry (I know most Hollywood actors hate Beverly Hills and are DYING to move to Wirt County, or maybe we'll send them to Matewan?) - and supports energy efficiency, and Monty Warner, who looks like a frog is trying to crawl up his ass when he smiles and who is full of completely horrible slogans not even worthy of a Rush Limbaugh wannabe. (Seriously - what is wrong with Mr. Warner's upper lip?)

Save me, please.

Justice of the Supreme Court of Appeals

Brent Benjamin, Republican, versus Democratic incumbant Warren McGraw

McGraw is a really bad justice. The Supreme Court's docket is 65% Workers' Compensation appeals, and since we already have a pretty liberal process, these are probably fairly closely contested cases (IMHO - though I have seen some employers pursue some silly, losing issues admittedly. WE don't do that, though. We don't churn). I realize that WC is a liberal system, and that companies benefit from the minimal exposure to massive lawsuits. However, McGraw has never EVER voted for an employer on a WC appeal. Not once. HE DOES NOT CONSIDER THE INDIVIDUAL MERITS OF THE CASES AND DOES NOT ALWAYS EVEN READ THE WHOLE DECISION. Hence, the controversy over the Arbaugh case. Justice Davis' clerk wrote the Arbaugh opinion (even though she voted against the relief sought), and none of the three justices who voted to reverse the circuit court's holding apparently read the whole thing all the way through. That's why they were caught unawares regarding Arbaugh's proposed employment as a janitor in a Catholic high school.

Dear Justices: We pay you money. Please read everything you're supposed to read. Love, West Virginia.

I don't like McGraw. I'm a fiscal semi-conservative and a social liberal. He's a social conservative (he lectured an audience at a Racine, WV campaign stop about how the Republican party is the party opposed to prayer in school, and in favor of abortion and gay marriage. Goddamnit, if I'm going to have a liberal justice, he better at least have a sensible position on prayer in school and abortion.) and a fiscal liberal. Make 'em pay! - as if money grows on trees. Mind you, I despise the way the corporate campaign to oust McGraw has concealed itself beneath the mantle of the "And for the Sake of the Kids" 527 campaign, and I hate the way the Arbaugh case has been misrepresented to the state (even if I tend to agree that the decision to reverse the circuit court was wrong. I briefly read the statute in question, and I think the circuit court was within its discretion to revoke Arbaugh's probation based on his drug use and general refusal to appear, to fulfill the requirements of his probation, etc. Still: "And for the Sake of the Kids" is a complete b/s cover group, and I despise such tactics.

It doesn't matter, I'm still voting for Benjamin.

Secretary of State

Ken Hechler, Democrat, versus Betty Ireland, Republican

I'm undecided. I think Ken Hechler is a great man, but he is... 89 years old, which is, uh, pretty old. Actually, I think Ken was born the same year my grandmother was - or maybe he's a year younger than she was. Man, I miss my grandmother.

Anyway, I would like to see a woman elected to an executive branch, statewide position in West Virginia. However, I reviewed Ms. Ireland's website and read her "Non-SoS position points" and was disappointed to find the usual Republican "Gods, Guns and Gays" tactics in clear view. I think she is pro-choice - within limits (opposed to "partial-birth" abortion, in favor of parental notification, but believes that this is an emotional and PERSONAL issue), but she also saw fit to list her position on gay marriage (duh, opposed. Which, btw, I absolutely do not believe. She seems like an intelligent, well-educated woman, and I think she must know that IT DOESN'T MATTER) and gun control (opposed. She believes in our second amendmant! as all WV politicians must. Dear Betty Ireland: I believe in our second amendmant too. It exists! However, I despise the NRA. Wavering, major wavering.

I hate that kind of pandering. I think I might have to vote for Ken Hechler.

Attorney General

Hiram Lewis, IV, Republican, versus Darrell McGraw, incumbent Democrat

There is no question at all, whatsoever. Hiram Lewis, IV (and - god, what a damn name - ) could be a blue-faced monkey. He could be a ball of singing, flaming poo and I would still vote for him. There are so few scenarios under which I would vote for Darrell McGraw for anything that I am seriously have trouble coming up with one. I believe, actually, in a semi-activist attorney general, particularly one who will be concerned with consumer protection, who will try to stop predatory lending practices, etc. However, Darrell McGraw uses state money to promote his face and name with supposedly non-partisan materials. I call: BS. The ads last year "I'm Darrell McGraw, and we fight companies to protect [endless horrible mindnumbing pause] you," were specifically designed to promote DARRELL MCGRAW and not the consumer protection division of the AG's office.


Glen B. Gainer, III (Democrat, incumbent) versus Lisa Thornburg (Republican)

Yet another "inheritor" of his position, iirc. Glen Gainer's father was also auditor. Like father - like son! I HATE HATE H.A.T.E. that. Dear holy mother of god, can't we stop electing people because we elected their parents? Thus, based on general principle, I should vote for Ms. Thornburg. However, she seems to have one of those suspicious government job/non-jobs. Meh. This is getting depressing.

Treasurer - why do we have all these stupid positions up for election, anyway!

John Perdue (Democrat, incumbent) versus Bob Adams (Republican)

I was TOTALLY going to vote for Bob Adams. John Perdue has a degree in AGRICULTURE, people, AGRICULTURE and got this job because he was an aide to governor Caperton. Once more, nepotism, insiderness, what-the-hell-ever afflicts politics strikes its damned ugly head again. My god, AGRICULTURE. Dude, I don't know - go AGRICULT, stop TREASURING. However, I read Bob Adams' biography and discovered that he was Pat Buchanan's communications director during Mr. Buchanan's campaign. And, uhm, Mr. Bob Adams isn't ashamed of that.

Dear Bob Adams, Pat Buchanan is a crazy wing-nut. I might've voted for you to have a cushy state job if you weren't a completely crazy wing-nut too. Love, me.

West Virginia State Senate

Senate District 5

Bob Plymale, (Democrat, incumbent) versus Stephen Hall (Republican, wing-nut)

I considered voting for Stephen Hall because Bob Plymale is a partisan hack, with a 100,000/year job at the "Nick Joe Rahall Appalachian Transportation Institute" (in other words: an effing giveaway.) However, Stephen Hall is apparently crazy.

Consider this: the man graduated from law school in 1995. What is he doing now? Why, he is... the computer guy at the Charleston School of Beauty Culture. Why is that? probably because he is as obsessed with socialists as Joe McCarthy was. Seriously, in response to every question on the voter's guide I read, he natters on about socialism. Workers' compensation? Socialist. The problem with the promise scholarship? Socialist! What's wrong with the water? Probably nasty socialists there, too. Mr. Stephen Hall - we live in very different worlds. You are a crazy man. Get over the socialist wing-nuttiness, I swear to god.

Oh, and he isn't capable of crafting gramatically correct sentences. I'm not talking about something supposedly complicated, like apostrophes, I'm talking about adverbs, adjectives, and subject-verb agreement, to wit:

The intricacies involved in this question is a convoluted mess, but it is real simple to cut through this illusion to get to the heart of the matter.

Thanks for that Stephen. I'm voting for a write-in candidate here.

West Virginia House of Delegates

House District 15

Vote for any three:

Dennis Barry (Republican); Kevin Craig (Democrat); Margarette Leach (Democrat); Carol Miller (Republican); Jim Morgan (Democrat); Paula Stewart (Republican)

I'm voting for Kevin Craig; he's fiscally fairly conservative, but I think he understands his district. He's not a wing-nut on social issues, even if - by necessity - he's probably semi-conservative. He's not crazy-conservative, and that's fine. He's also goddamned SMART, which is a fine thing. I'm still undecided on the rest of the races. I'm not voting for Paula Stewart (not sufficiently informed, IMHO, among other issues), and I need to see add'l info from Barry and Leach, in particular, before I make up my mind.

I am not a Marxist.

-- Karl Marx

Dei remi facemmo
ali al fol volo.

-- Dante Inferno XXVI.125

Intelligent Life

The Psycho
Salam Pax

she feeds the wound within her veins;
she is eaten by a secret flame.

-- Virgil, Aeneid, IV

By your stumbling, the world is perfected.

-- Sri Aurobindo

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